Since I originally created this web site, I have learned that there are at least two other variant versions in existence (for the United States market). Russ Perry Jr. informed me about verison "B" which has wrappers like "C" but stickers like "A", and they have black ink on the back of the stickers instead of blue. More recently, I was informed of a version "D" which apparently is identical to "C" except for the back of the stickers which has the copyright notice expanded and relocated. (The expanded copyright notice at the bottom is the same format used for the Ms. Pac-Man stickers, so one can see the chronological progression.) Bottom Line: Use the sticker back to determine which version you have.
Regarding the availablity of versions "A" and "C": A fellow Pac-Man collector has told me that the yellow version A is more rare, based on the prices that complete boxes of unopened packs are going for on E-bay. Also, if you look in catalogs or on other web sites, usually you see version "C". So perhaps more of "C" was produced, or perhaps more ended up unsold in warehouses (if popularity was going down) and thus ended up in collectors' hands, or maybe it's just coincidence.
Version A | Version B | Version C | Version D | European Version |
Width: 2.50" (63.5mm) Height: 3.00" (76.2mm) Aspect Ratio: 1.20 Thick stock (like trading cards) |
Width: 2.50" (63.5mm) Height: 3.00" (76.2mm) Aspect Ratio: 1.20 Thick stock (like trading cards) |
Width: 2.50" (63.5mm) Height: 3.00" (76.2mm) Aspect Ratio: 1.20 Thick stock (like trading cards) |
Width: 2.50" (63.5mm) Height: 3.00" (76.2mm) Aspect Ratio: 1.20 Thick stock (like trading cards) |
Width: 2.45" (62.3mm) Height: 3.41" (86.5mm) Aspect Ratio: 1.39 Thin stock (like most stickers) |